
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tunes Tuesday Linky Time!

It's finally time for everyone to cash in on the hard work of all those bloggers out there who are contributing to my first ever linky party, Tunes Tuesday!

For newcomers, Tunes Tuesday is basically a way of practicing boring grammar skills by highlighting examples in song lyrics while listening to the song/watching the music video! It just takes a few minutes, and the kids love it!

If you are new here, I'd love for you to stick around by becoming a follower on bloglovin'! Just click my little button here!

I was really happy to see the google doc filling up this past week with some great song titles and grammar/writing skills. 

I have contributed a few songs already in this post right here. Be sure to go and find the link to those lyric sheets!

Click this image to get my lyrics sheet!
I've also prepared one for this linky party of course! I chose "Pork and Beans" by Weezer. There are lots of great examples of prepositions in the lyrics! And the video is chock full of references to weird internet memes, which kids love. 

In other news, I've been hard at work on some great products! If you've missed them, here's a glimpse! Check out my TpT Store to grab them up!

Be sure to come back and check the link up after everyone has a chance to make their posts, because you're going to want to grab up all the freebie lyric sheets these wonderful bloggers have prepared! And please leave them a little love in their comment boxes!

(And all of you wonderful contributing bloggers, be sure to watch your inbox this week for a surprise thank you gift from me!)


  1. Nick...I've never in my life created a Google Document, so...I see it on my end, but I don't know if you can see it in my post or not. It DEFINITELY doesn't look as snazzy as the documents you have already created for your lyrics. This was fun! Thanks for hostin'.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. Great post. I'm looking forward to seeing how/what everyone does.
    very cool
    Digital: Divide & Conquer

  3. Hi Nick! It's my first time linking up with you. Thanks for hosting. I posted an oldie, but a goodie. haha

    Pinkadots Elementary

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Nick,

    I love this topic! I posted the linky to my Facebook page. I'll pin it later, too. :)

    Read With Me ABC on Facebook

    Read With Me ABC

  6. I absolutely love this idea and am so thankful you have taken the time to organize this. Cannot wait to share with my kiddos!

  7. I just wanted to add that everyone who has linked up so far totally rocks! (pun intended!)
    Check your inboxes!


  8. I love this idea and the linky! I'm moving from 2nd to 5th next year and am betting this will make grammar lessons much more fun :) I found your blog through Fifth in the Middle and just became your newest follower on bloglovin!

  9. This is such a great idea! I can't wait to use all of these resources when we go back to school! Thanks for hosting a great party Nick!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  10. Thank you for organizing this Linky Party Nick, what a great turn out of resources. Also, thank you very much for the sweet extras I found in my mail box = )

    - Melissa
    Teacher Abroad

  11. Your newest follower! What a fantastic idea! Can't wait to have Tune Tuesday in my grade 6 class this year!

  12. Thank you so much for this! I just happened to come across this. So glad I did! I have a "Rock Star" theme in my room. I never thought about using actual song lyrics to teach curriculum! Go figure! Thank you for the inspiration and great ideas!

  13. Nick,
    Such an amazing linky party idea! I hope that you plan to continue this linky. I have pinned all the ideas and look forward to using them this school year!!!

  14. Thank you for hosting this! There are so many great ideas here! I'm always looking for a way to make grammar more fun and interactive!

  15. This is an awesome linky party! I missed it, but I look forward to linking up with the Tunes Tuesday in the future :)
