
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

DIY and Some Tunes Tuesday Fun!

So, I wrapped up my weeklong conference at the University of Virginia, drove the four and a half hours home...had dinner, and then got immediately to work on my basement renovation. For those who aren't aware, my finished basement (which we use as our living room) has flooded really badly a few times (up to 16" deep a couple months ago) and it has ended up costing me $6,000 to get the thing waterproofed to prevent it from happening again. Actually, even more than that when you throw in the fact that all my furniture was destroyed and all the tools and materials I've had to buy.

What a wreck!
Now that the water proofing system is installed, I have to actually make the room something less than a complete safety hazard. Luckily, my dad offered to use his last week before going back to work (he teaches also) to drive up here from GA on his motorcycle to help me put the mess back together. It would be beyond our finances to have someone come in and fix it for me. I have a really good reason that I need this done pronto and cheap (maybe I'll share about that soon) I'm super grateful that he can help. The materials aren't cheap, but the labor is free at least! The catch? We have to get it done THIS week! That means seven 14 hour days in a row...I've finished the first 3 days and it has been rough!

So basically, I have been trying to not lose my mind with all the sawing, banging of hammers, insulation itch, etc. I am not cut out for manual labor...

In other news, I just had to take a moment on this fine Tuesday to share this funny video. If you're from anywhere close to my generation, then you're definitely familiar with Weird Al Yankovic. He recently came out with a parody of "Blurred Lines" called "Word Crimes." If you're into grammar like I am then you've got to give it a quick watch!

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Oh goodness....I didn't realize your basement had already flooded several times. Glad your dad is going to be helping you! Don't feel bad...I'm not cut out for manual labor either. Nope...nope...nope!
    Love the Word Crimes!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. Sorry to hear about your basement. Thank you for sharing the video!
    TGIF-Third Grade Is Fun
