
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sunshine Blogger Award!

Thanks to Diane at Fifth in the Middle for nominating me for a Sunshine Blogger Award!

The rules of the Sunshine Blogger Award are:

  1. Post 11 random facts about yourself
Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you

  3. Nominate 11 bloggers you think bring sunshine to the world

  4. Make up 11 questions for your nominations to answer.
My 11 Facts
  1. I've taught every grade level from Kindergarten through 5th grade.
  2. I grew up and went to college in GA, where I taught for 7 years before moving to PA where I've been teaching for the last 6!
  3. I've been reading comic books consistently for over 25 years.
  4. I'm an avid reader of other things, and spend anywhere from 1-2 hours a day reading, every day!
  5. I've been playing video games since I got my first Atari in the 80's!
  6. I met my wife when she taught in the classroom next door to mine.
  7. We've been married for just over 6 years!
  8. My wife and I have two German Shepherds, two fancy rats, three corn snakes, two tarantulas, a bearded dragon, a crested gecko, and three bettas!
  9. My dad is a middle school teacher, one of my brothers is a high school english teacher, and my other brother just moved away from teaching Sociology at the university level.
  10. I drink a ridiculous amount of coffee each day. Approximately a full pot or more most days.
  11. I love gardening, and every year my wife and I plant a ton of vegetables in our huge backyard garden.
Diane's Questions:
  1. When did you start blogging?  Just a few days over a year ago!
  2. Why did you start blogging?  I have been reading blogs for years and years, and I wanted to get in on the community aspect and finally felt confident enough to share my own ideas.
  3. Are you going to Vegas for the TpT conference? I wish! We'd already planned our usual summer vacation to the GA coast before the dates were announced!
  4. Which of your TpT products is your best work? That's really hard to pick...I put so much work into all of them, but currently (because it's so fresh) I'd have to go with my One and Only Ivan Novel Unit!
  5. What is the "thing" that you're known for in your school? (In other words, when people have a question about X, they come to you.) Another toughie. I think I'm known for quite a few things, technology, math, reading, writing...but I probably get the most questions about going green practices!
  6. If you couldn't teach, what job would you have? Something to do with conservation if I needed a paycheck. If I became independently wealthy I'd become a full time street artist.
  7. Where is your favorite place to shop for your teaching wardrobe? Bwahaha. I am known for my "uniform" of khaki pants and a polo shirt at work. So...Target?! I've always thought that men's professional fashion options were too limited. And I'm NOT wearing a tie every day.
  8. I need a new book to read. What do you recommend? I just finished "The Maze Runner" and it was really good!
  9. What is your favorite TV show? This is really hard. Currently I guess it's Game of Thrones!
  10. What is your favorite dessert? A good old fashioned doughnut!
  11. Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip? Miracle Whip!
My Questions:
  1. When did you start blogging?
  2. Who's your favorite superhero?
  3. Who was your favorite teacher?
  4. What's your favorite genre of book?
  5. Do you have any pets?
  6. If you could have a longer or shorter school day, which would you pick?
  7. What brand new "special" would you like to add to your schedule?
  8. Do you have anything from your childhood that you've kept?
  9. Are you afraid of anything weird?
  10. Do you have vacation plans for this summer?
  11. Do your colleagues know that you are a blogger?

My nominations: (since I've noticed a lot of people have already been awarded this one I'm not going to pass it along to 11 people, but instead to a few of my fellow PA Bloggers! If you've already got it, then no worries!)


  1. Ugh. I do NOT do snakes. Blech. And I love your alternate job choices!!

  2. You have quite a few critters. A few of them are quite scary!! Congratulations on the nomination. I love your Ivan unit too!

  3. I was born in GA, but only lived there a short time. Not long enough to remember. My grandma still lives there though and I spend a few weeks in the summer with her there. I too have taught all grade levels K-5. 3rd and 5th are my faves! Diane took the words right out of my mouth about the creatures that shall not be named.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  4. I'm an avid reader too. Thanks for the book recommendation!

  5. The Maze Runner is on my reading list and my husband loves Game of Thrones. Thanks for nominating me. :) Happy Saturday!
    Read With Me ABC
