
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Must Read Mentor Text - Max Axiom

Howdy all! I'm linking up with the Collaboration Cuties today for their Mentor Text Linky. Today's topic is Science, which is perfect because I have a couple science related posts coming up soon. Tunes Tuesday's topic this week is Science, so be sure to come back then for even more science-y goodness!

I'm going to share about a set of educational graphic novels. The main character is named Max Axiom. There's one for just about any topic in science. Max is a superhero science teacher that explains how the science in each graphic novel works. 
There isn't really a made up plot or storyline beyond the fact that Max is teaching about science, but he does use several super powers throughout the series similar to those of the Magic School Bus (shrinking down to size to see a cut get infected, traveling at super speed, etc). 
Here Max enters the human digestive system!
The facts he relates throughout the book are all true and at a perfect level for upper elementary kids. The bright colors, and comic style format is a great way to get readers engaged. 

In other news...

If you didn't win in my giveaway, no worries, the giveaways aren't over yet! My BBB Jivey just announced her 1500 follower/Birthday Giveaway! I've donated my Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes Novel Unit. So if you're reading this that means you've already earned an entry! And it would be pure foolishness for you not to go and follow the other amazing contributors!

See you tomorrow for another "Lifehack for Teachers!"


  1. I bet the boys love those graphic novels!! Thanks for the giveaway shout-out! I hope you have enjoyed your weekend! :)

  2. I found the Max Axiom books last year and love using them in science. All students love them, especially the boys. Anything that can reach 'em, right???

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  3. Oh, I love these books! I forgot about them though!!! The kids really do love graphic novels! They are so engaging!! I'm so glad that you linked up! Have a great week!
    Collaboration Cuties
