
Monday, August 19, 2013

A Few Made Its! One of which is a Freebie!

So, I'm linking up with 4th Grade Frolics for another Monday Made It! I forgot that the summer weekly link ups are over! Boohoo! Oh well!

I've been crazy working on things for my own classroom, and one of them has turned into a freebie for those of you who stick around to the end! No skipping ahead! 

So I changed my classroom theme and color scheme in a big way this year. I've been working on a lot of things to make them matchy-matchy in my room. One of things I made I thought other teachers might be able to use. It's these popular clock minute numbers to help kids tell time. I think telling time is just one of those skills you have to practice and see over and over again. This is a great visual to help kids associate the minute values with the numbers on the clock. You can grab the file from my store for a mere DOLLAR.

My next Made It is kind of embarrassing. Mainly because I've been seeing and coveting other people's Teacher ToolBoxes for literally years and have just been too darn lazy to make my own. I even made labels once, then decided I didn't like them. Then made different labels, and still didn't make it.

Finally, I made some labels that I LOVE, and put together the little toolbox on the right. Pretty much as soon as I finished the first one I realized that I still had lots and lots of little things that needed homes. So I went to the store and bought a bigger one with just big drawers. Before you knew it, my desk was super organized and I now have the power of a multitude of office supplies at my fingertips in a moment's notice!

So, this is a scheduled post because today I am attending the opening ceremony where the mentors in my district welcome our year-long PDS interns and do some icebreakers and professional development together. Then my actual in-service preplanning days begin on Tuesday, and school with kids starts the following Tuesday! 

In preparation for all the planning that this new year will entail I made myself a handy little lesson planning bookmark. Click here to get your own copy! It has a nice list of things to keep in mind while planning to help make sure that your lessons are as engaging as possible! I try to do these things as much as possible already, but reading Teach Like A Pirate made me want to make something to keep in my plan book to look at while planning as a reminder.

Check out all of the other cool Monday Made Its! Every week I see something new to put on my to do list!


  1. That lessons planning bookmark looks great...I've got a few teachers that could use it.

    How do you guys have a week of inservice/professional development? Is it all mandatory? We have all day meetings tomorrow and then kids come in Wednesday-weird how different so many districts are.


  2. Hey, look at this! Three Male Bloggers commenting on a fourth Male Blogger's site. Pretty cool.

    I have one of those tall drawer thingies just taking up space in my garage. What other little things do you stick in there?

  3. I got my Monday Made It post all ready this evening too! I wish it would keep going, it became one of my favorites. I read Teach Like a Pirate this summer. Thanks for the bookmark!

    My Kinder-Garden

  4. I did the toolbox this year too, but not sure how I really like it. It probably best for the kids, but for me, I like things in small jars so I can see them.

    Ms. Chae Charges In

  5. Thanks for the bookmark! I still need to get my toolbox...

  6. Ya know, I thought about getting the toolbox, but my desk sits in the open (not on a wall) so I'd have to find ANOTHER place for it. Maybe I still will though because I do love the idea of having it!
    ideas by jivey
    Follow me on Facebook!

  7. I love your clock and your new toolbox looks awesome! I had hoped to make one this summer but ran out of time....

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings
