
Saturday, June 8, 2013

End of the Year Awards Ceremony and Giveaway reminder

Taking a bow after "fashion walking"
down the red carpet!
Friday was such a fun filled day at school that it really flew by! We started the morning off with our Classroom Awards Ceremony and ended with the 5th grade carnival.  

For the awards ceremony, I like to get a length of red butcher paper and "roll out the red carpet" for the students to walk down as they come to collect their awards. They usually end up dancing down the runway and high-fiving each other on their way back to their seats on either side of the paper.

Click this image to get your own set of awards!
I use my "End of Year Awards Certificates" from my TpT store. There are 48 different awards and they're all in black and white for easy printing. They feature vintage style pictures that the kids get a kick out of, and there is literally an award for everyone. The kids love having their hard work recognized with awards like "The Hypnotist Award" for the student who writes the most compelling persuasive pieces, or the "Hermione Award" for the best girl speller in the class. (Get it?!) 

But some of the awards are silly and poke a little fun at the kids. My favorites are the "Cold Seat Award" for the student who is never sitting in his/her chair, the "Tiny Bladder Award" for the kiddo who makes more trips to the bathroom than should be humanly possible, and the "Chicken Scratch Award" for the kid whose handwriting is pretty much unreadable. Of course I try to make sure that everyone gets at least one serious award and one silly one. 

I'm still excited about my 100 Follower Giveaway that is still going on! If you haven't already, be sure to scroll on down and sign up for a chance to win! I've got 4 different giveaways going on, and a runner-up will win a surprise from my TpT store, so along with the 4 prize packs, there will be 4 more winners!

Ridiculously cute.
In other news...check out my new neighbors! 


These guys have been hanging out in the trees in our neighborhood for the last week or so. This city boy isn't used to seeing actual live bears living a block away from his house. You definitely don't see this living in Atlanta. Crazy! Just one of the charms of living in a sleepy college town in central Pennsylvania, I suppose!

Mama is somewhat less cute and quite a bit scarier!
Today I'll be heading up to my classroom and spending my Saturday finishing up my packing and starting the move to my new 3rd/4th grade multi-age classroom! I was SUPER lucky because the teacher who is leaving the room has already moved out and is super clean and thoughtful. She's leaving a ton of great supplies and resources too. This is a first for me. I'm used to having to dig through leftovers or scrounge for supplies in boxes in a supply closet. Pretty much every time I've moved classrooms I've inherited an empty room.

Still one and a half days to go! Monday is Field Day and Tuesday is a half day school-wide the teaching is pretty much over for the year! Summer, here I come!

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