
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Social Studies Mentor Text Linky

I know, two posts in a day is taboo...but they're both short ones!

I'm linking up with Collaboration Cuties' Mentor Text Memo Linky. This week they're looking at historical fiction texts. 

When I was a kid the biggest fad in books were these fun and weird "Choose your own adventure" books. I think I must have read 30 or 40 of them. I still have some in my classroom now! I loved reading through and seeing all the different endings. 

Well, some smart people have taken this idea and applied it to historical fiction! 

I read this one on Colonial America to my kids earlier this year and they loved it. I have several books from the series. Each book comes with 3 or 4 different stories from that era. They have these books for everything from Ancient Egypt to the Titanic. 

Usually the kids beg me to "go back in time" and read the story over again from the last choice...just like I did as a kid. 

The stories in the books are interesting, accessible, and historically accurate. I'll definitely be looking to add more of these to my library in the future. 

Check out some of the other books in the linky! I see some of my other favorites there already!


  1. Great sugggestion...I'll scroll down and read your other post. :) It's okay, we all do it sometimes. :)Have a great day!
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  2. I love the Choose your own adventure books! Especially the ones that relate to SS!! I think it's a great way to engage the kids and it's fun so they don't even realize they're getting some instruction with it!

    Thanks so much for linking up!
    Collaboration Cuties

  3. What a great idea!!!! I'm definitely adding this to the list of books I must get ASAP! Thanks for sharing!

    Teacher at the Wheel

  4. I love your blog and all your ideas! I just starting following you! Laura

