
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Budding Blog Linky

I figured I'd jump on ( a little late) to this linky from I Heart Recess for those of us with less than 200 followers. (Getting close to 100 though! Woohoo!)

For this one I just answer four questions, so here goes!

1. Why did you start blogging?

I've been reading teaching blogs for YEARS now. When I got moved to 5th grade last year I ramped up my reading because I added a slew of upper grades blogs to my rotation. I've always thought about writing a blog myself but figured no one would be interested. My lovely wife, Killer B, convinced me to give it a try. So I jumped in! I have a lot of fun blogging and as a bonus...people actually do read it! It's great to know there are other teachers out there addicted to reading teaching blogs.

2. What is your favorite subject to teach and why?

I love teaching Reading and Language Arts. I love children's literature and am a collector of books. I read (not counting blogs) for at least an hour a night. When I'm not able to read I get cranky. I love getting kids to dig deep into the books they read. I love talking with kids about their reading and the thoughts the books make them have. Nothing is better to me than making a class laugh or cry with a read aloud. And when I can help kids craft a piece of writing (often by using a mentor text) that makes you say "wow," it just makes me feel like I've accomplished something.

3. Describe your teaching style.

I'm a big believer in the workshop model. I teach reading, writing, and math through the workshop model. I love mini-lessons. I love teachable moments. I believe in high expectations for my kids' work AND for their behavior. Setting non-negotiable, enforced expectations for behavior early is really the key to successful teaching. That being said, as long as kids are respecting each other and the adults in the school, I'm super laid back and fun. Kids learn best when they feel safe and are engaged. I believe in knowing my students as people and letting them know me as a person. Finally, I'm a planner. I believe that it is our duty as teachers to be well planned and well prepared ahead of time. Flexibility is important...but barring outside forces I can account for every minute of my next school week at least a week in advance.

4. Give three interesting facts about you.

Hmm...not sure if I've blogged about these before or not but here goes:
1) I've read EVERY single appearance of Spider-Man in a comic book. That's every issue since he was created up until the comics that came out last Wednesday.
2) I've been married to a woman who is out of my league (but doesn't realize it, thank goodness!) for 5 lucky years!
3) I'm an avid organic gardener. Tomorrow is planting day for a bunch of stuff too!

5. Do you have a TpT store? If yes, post the link :)

Yep! My widget is on the right side, but here's the link too!


  1. Thanks for linking up! I am learning to incorporate the workshop model more into my teaching, I struggle with the "mini" of mini lesson :)


  2. Hi Nick, It appears we are teaching style twins. :) I love to read and am a firm believer in the workshop model. It's so nice to to get know you teacher to teacher. I look forward to learning lots from you. :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners
