
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Pass the Torch Linky!

Get Ready for Bloggy Olympics!!!

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Join The 3AM Teacher, the Reading Olympians, and over 80 SUPREME education bloggers as we take you through a tour of the Reading Olympians Root Study Program!!

I had already been thinking about how helpful it would be for my kids in their "Expand Vocabulary" efforts to learn Latin and Greek roots, so when I saw this resource I knew I had to give it a try. Let me just start by saying that my kids have loved using this resource! 

I showed the kids the first list, and we talked a bit about how many of our words are derived from Latin and Greek roots. I gave them some really fun examples of words that have these in them and how knowing the roots, prefixes and suffixes could help you define a word you'd never heard before. 

The root bio really resonated with the kids. They know words with this root, biography, biology, etc. It was surprising how many of them never made the connection that bio means life. They were excited to learn this!

We worked on the first list of words for three 15 minute periods this week. Some of that time was independent work time to fill out their study cards. The kids really enjoyed coming up with a picture to help them remember the root and thinking or finding words that contain the root. We talked about the new roots the first day, and they were given their packet and about 7 minutes to work. They independently finished their packets by the second day. They spent that day practicing with the roots, making up new words together and quizzing each other at their table sets while I went to the groups and talked to them. The third day we took the matching and cloze quizzes. Pretty simple!

I've heard kids all week long making up new words using the roots they've learned. Little do they know that many of the words they're "creating" already exist. 

I HAD to snap a picture of this student, who pulled her packet out, without being prompted, during indoor recess because she wanted to work on it some more!

These examples of the students' work after just a few minutes with the packet show that they were working hard.

I sat my kids down on Wednesday and told them that part of being this year's 5th graders is that they get to help me make 5th grade better for the next set of kids. I asked them for their honest feedback about this resource and their feelings about it in general. The answer from the kids was not surprising based on what I'd seen all week long. The love it! The kids all wish that we had been doing this all year long. They told me that I have to do it next year. They can't wait to add to their repertoire of roots. 

The best part is, they aren't just all talk. I quizzed them briefly on Wednesday verbally and then I quizzed them on Thursday with the included matching and cloze quizzes and they all aced them!

Based on the success I've seen with it over the last two weeks I am definitely planning to make it part of my grammar/expand vocabulary program. It is super easy to implement, all of the materials you need are provided and the kids are having fun. I can't wait to show them their new list next week!

Discover the program IN ACTION in more K-6th grade classrooms as you Pass the Torch!! Get ideas, discover the progression of the program, and enter the Raffle for a chance to win ONE of the three prizes listed below!!

First Place Winner : Gold Medal

  Prizes: Complete Reading Olympians Program
            $50.00 Amazon Gift Card
            50% off Discount Code for a 1-Day shopping spree at The 3AM Teacher's Etsy store!

Second Place Winner: Silver Medal

   Prizes: $25.00 Amazon Gift Card
              40% off Discount Code for a 1-Day shopping spree at The 3AM Teacher's Etsy store!

Third Place Winner: Bronze Medal

    Prizes: 30% off Discount Code for a 1-Day shopping spree at The 3AM Teacher's Etsy store!

Pass the Torch!!!
Click the image below to visit the next blog


Grade 1 & 2

Grade 3 & 4

Grade 5 & 6

    a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My kids loved this resource, too! They were so fascinated with the story behind the goddess Nike and were easily able to make connections with her meaning. It was an eye opener for me too. This resource is definitely a keeper, don't you agree?

    Surviving Sixth Grade

  2. Hi Nick!

    I am your newest follower! Found you on the TpT forum - I think you've commented on some of my posts there as well! I would love it if you'd pop over and check out my blog!

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom

  3. I agree that the kids really enjoy the program! Thanks for sharing your strategy for implementing it in your classroom. Your newest follower-
    :) Kate
