
Sunday, June 21, 2015

A little self promotion!

So...I'm not a fan of these kinds of posts usually...but this post is going to be totally self-promotional. But as a good friend recently reminded me, "There's nothing wrong with letting people know what you have to offer. How else will they know about it?" So I'm going to take a moment to show off some of the new products I've made...but it's for a good reason...

As many of you know, my wife and I have been in the process of adopting our first child. It has turned out to be EXPENSIVE! We've accumulated about $18,000 in debt, drained our savings, and still have more expenses coming...

Now it is kind of hard to believe that we are just 14 days away from the birth of our baby girl! We are beyond excited.

The only reason we've been able to even consider the possibility of adoption is because of the support of purchasers from my TpT store. Every single cent I've made in my store has gone towards our adoption expenses. I have always believed in sharing the hard work I do when I make these products for my own class. I hope you'll find something you like in my store and consider spending a little to help yourself and to help us in the process!

I'm not going to overwhelm you with a detailed explanation of each of the products or a bunch of pictures, but I do want to show off my latest creations! I've included a link to the products below at the bottom of this if one seems interesting to you, I hope you'll go check it out in detail! And thanks for helping me get through this final push of adoption expenses!

Building Catapults Inquiry

Kaboom! Multiply a Fraction by a Whole Number

Ninja vs. Samurai Math Battles - Addition and Subtraction of Mixed Numbers with Regrouping

Variable Equations Word Problems Task Cards

Dream Home/Tiny Home Project Based Learning Project

Mentor Sentences Pack 1 - Five Weeks (Pack 2 and 3 coming soon!)

Word Work Games Bundle

Multiplication Fact Fluency Bump

Monster Math Battles Freebie!

Protractor Practice Task Cards

Planet Research Brochure Activity

Most of the people who purchase things from me probably aren't even aware of the blessing they're bestowing on my wife and I, and I'd never be able to thank them all...but if you're reading this then at least I can thank you! So, thanks so much for your support!