
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter and new Math games

I've been enjoying my Easter weekend thanks to the upswing in the weather around here. We finally broke into the high 40s and low 50s! That's Vespa weather!

Killer B and I will be visiting her elderly aunt later today for Easter dinner. And then I get tomorrow off due to having collected enough "trade hours!" I spent some time yesterday classing up and compiling three of my fun math games for my TpT store. Check them out!

These are "I have, who has" games for practicing the conversion of customary units of measure. I have a game for length, weight and capacity. I've also put all three into a bundle for $5.

The cards are fun because they play off of the kids' love of anything with a mustache on them. For example, "I have 3ft. I mustache(picture), who has 24 inches given in feet?" 

I've included some of my custom made mustache clip art to print off and use as pencil toppers. I have my kids write the basic conversions on the back of the mustaches and they can peek at them if they need to. I think making the activity fun and memorable with the mustaches helps them remember the conversions.

I've also bundled the games here!

In other TpT news, I was super excited to reach my goal yesterday! Woohoo! 

Check out my Peer Editing Freebie in last Friday's post if you haven't already! And we're on our way to a 50 Follower giveaway! Everyone have a great Easter!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Freebie Friday and High/Low

I'm joining up with Teacher to the Core's High-Low Linky. Here're mine for the month of March!

I'm also doing my first Freebie Friday!

Freebie Fridays

My freebie is this simple, but effective, form for having kids peer edit each other's writing pieces. Just click the image below to download it from my TpT store! Enjoy!

In other news: I've decided to try out having a Facebook page for Sweet Rhyme - Pure Reason. Stop on by and give me a "Like" if you feel so inclined!

Today was nice because my conferences wrapped up well yesterday, and today was a day off to relax. Also, with the TpT quarter wrapping up in two days I'm happy to say that I am just $1.25 away from my (admittedly modest) goal, thanks to a couple sales that came in while I sipped coffee and enjoyed a sandwich at Panera this morning with my lovely wife! (Who I think is getting a little tired of me talking about all this!)

And now, it's time to watch an episode of Swamp People and eat some oatmeal cookies! Til next time!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Workshop Wednesday - Mentor Texts

I'm linking up to Ideas by Jivey's wonderful Workshop Wednesday linky. This week's topic is using mentor texts in writing.

As a fifth grade teacher with the heart and soul of a 1st and 2nd grade teacher, I just can't get away from using picture books. I teach writer's workshop in a typical mini-lesson then write/conference way, but that mini-lesson involves a picture book more often than not.

I'm sharing two by the same author today that I use to teach word choice. 

The first is Crickwing by Janell Cannon. Her writing is chock full of interesting words. I actually took this book and rewrote the first five pages using less detail and less interesting words. I don't tell the kids anything about it at first, I just start reading...

The kids quickly realize that this book is just dead boring. That's when I reveal that I made some changes and I go back and read the first couple pages to them with the good word choice. The kids are able to pinpoint that it is the good word choice that help make the story interesting. We talk about this briefly and then I have the kids look through their writing folder and find a work sample or two to "spice up."

The next book I use is Verdi by Janell Cannon. This book is another great example of word choice. There is a decent amount of dialogue in the book and the author clearly has heard the old "Said is Dead" motto. I have gone through the book and highlighted a few things. The first is her use of interesting and precise language, and the second is the way she uses "said" sparingly. Her characters grumble and chide and admonish and so on. We talk for a bit about how the kids could use more precise language than just "said" when they describe the way a character speaks. 

There's nothing better than reading my kiddos' reading response journals over the weekend and seeing them use this in their writing. 

In other news: First day of parent conferences went off without a hitch! It's so great to be able to fill parents in on all the great progress their kids have made this year. I love seeing how proud the kids are in front of their parents. 

As much as I want to have a normal day of school, I am totally looking forward to Friday and Monday. Friday is a day off for everyone. Monday is an in-service day for teachers.  I went to a workshop over the summer about deliberation in the classroom, so I have accrued enough "trade time" to get the day off! 

Then we have 3 normal school days next week (FINALLY!) and on Friday we're taking our 5th grade field trip to Philly. And that day promises to be the longest day of my life!

Be sure to check out the other Workshop Wednesday links if you haven't already. I saw some great ideas out there! Adios for now!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Earthworm Dissection for the Tried it Tuesday Linky and a 50 States Game

So I'm linking up to this cool new linky from Fourth Grade Flipper. The rules are simple, describe something new you've tried.
Well, today we tried dissecting earthworms in my classroom. We study the plant and animal kingdoms and relate it back to animal classification and adaptations. The earthworm has a highly adapted body, yet has many analogous organs/systems to the human body (which is our next science unit). We use this as kind of a capstone experience for the unit. 
Censored for your benefit!
What went right: The kids really did learn a lot about animal adaptations and how the earthworm's body is compared to the human body! No one cut themselves. No one threw up (though one girl turned a few shades of yellow). A good discussion arose from the activity. Pretty good all in all.

What could have been better: Well...the teacher across the hall was absent, and her kids were supposed to do this today too, so we combined classes and taught all the kids in my room. That's a lot of kids in a little room. Also, I LOVE parent volunteers, but they were a little grossed out and a lot under-educated about the inner workings of the earthworm. I had to correct more than one parent when they told the kids at their center that "those white things are its hearts!" (The white things are its reproductive organs, for the record!)

Also, my classroom smelled like dead worms for like 2 hours afterwards...

In other news...

Congrats to Rosemary for winning the 250 Scholastic Book Points in my recent giveaway! I hope you'll let me know which books you get one you receive your prize! We're slowly climbing to 50!

Also, I was very productive during my ill-gotten snow day yesterday! I FINALLY finished custom making all 50 states worth of clip art and put it all together to make a new game I plan to use with my class and have added to my TpT store. Click the image below to check it out! (Just 3 clams! Practically a steal!)

I think it'll be a fun way to have the kids practice the states as a small group center later in the year once the big ugly tests are over. The same cards could easily be adapted to practice the state capitals as well! I also listed the clip art I made for this product on my store for anyone interested!

Tomorrow and Thursday we have parent conferences all day. In my old school system in GA we didn't get days like this for conferences, we just had to schedule them all for after school. There's nothing worse than scheduling a 5:00 conference just for the parent to no-show! I like the fact that we get to do them during the day, but I kind of wish I could just have a normal school day for a change. 

I'm super anxious to get some things done in my room with the kiddos. We're still loving Wonder, we're in the middle of our poetry unit, and we're about to begin our Westward Expansion Simulation! Not to mention all the math I need to cover. So much to do!

Now, everyone close your eyes and say a prayer for Spring to finally find its way to the northeast! I'll be back for the Workshop Wednesday Linky tomorrow!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Another Snow Day and Let's Get Acquainted

So, here it is 9:30 in the morning and I'm in my PJs lounging in my oversized chair sipping coffee, beginning another marathon of Scrubs on Netflix and writing a blog post...when I should be dissecting earthworms with my kiddos.

And I'd rather be dissecting the earthworms!

These snow days (and this snow in general) are really starting to get to me. Not only is my school year pushed one more day back into June, but another day before our big state tests has been stolen away. And I've been dying to continue our reading of Wonder. (The things the kids have been writing about it in their family message journals are awesome by the way!) Not to mention that this Wednesday and Thursday are Parent Conferences (which I still need to prepare for) and Friday and next Monday are days off of school already. So tomorrow will be our only day of school with students all week. Aargh!

Anyway, I'm linking up to Flying into First Grade's "Let's Get Acquainted" Linky.

This week is the Noun Game! So, without further ado:

Person: My Wife, or as I like to call her, Killer B!

I mean, who else would I pick?! She's my best friend and constant companion. No one else has the ability to make me as happy as she does.

Yes, her shirt says "I hate everything," and that's about right. :)
Place: Savannah, Ga/Tybee Island, GA

My wife and I have been married for 5 years and I think we've taken 7 vacations to Savannah together. Admittedly, I sometimes vote for vacationing somewhere else and then we end up going to Savannah because Killer B likes it so much there, but I have to admit I really do love it there too. Our families live in GA (where we both grew up), so it makes it easy to stop by Savannah while visiting them in the summer. I think one day we'll probably end up retiring to one of Georgia's coastal islands! Well, assuming our pensions aren't taken away before then.  ; P

Thing: Comic Books

I have been reading comic books since I was in elementary school. I used to sell candy to other kids in school to make money to buy them! Believe it or not I have read every and I do mean every (there are literally thousands) appearance of Spider-Man in a comic book. It's one of my claim to fames. I still read a ton of comics to this day. And I have a pretty decent collection of age appropriate graphic novels in my classroom library, which the kids love!

Animal: I suppose I should say my two German Shepherds...

But, considering the sable one on the left there just left his toy on the stairs yesterday, which I then tripped on, leading me to fall face first down the stairs knocking my head into a coffee table and seeing stars for about two minutes...

I'm gonna go with something else. My wife and I have always liked barred owls, and we've actually seen a lot of them together in the wild while hiking. They've become kind of like a symbol for us. 

In other news, I spent some time on Sunday trying my hand at making some digital paper/backgrounds. I actually think I did a pretty good job! I was impressed with myself considering I no longer have photoshop on my computer. I made these using GIMP. I've added all 20 to my TpT store for $4. Check them out!

Well, time to go adjust my lesson plans and try to somehow squeeze three days into one! 

Friday, March 22, 2013

"Wonder"ful activity, 2 Truths and a Lie reveal, and burst pipes!

As part of our class reading of Wonder, we have been really thinking about character traits and how we should think about and treat others.

So to help take advantage of the wonderful community building opportunities presented by this novel, we begin each reading by having one of the kids in the class sit in a chair in front of our marker board. The rest of the kids think about this person's positive character traits and write them around the head of the featured kiddo. You should see the smiles on the students' faces when they get to turn around and read what their classmates think about them. I make sure to e-mail the picture to the kiddo's parents that evening too. I pinned this idea on pinterest a long time ago and have been waiting for a reason to use it. 

Here's an example:

This is just one of the extension ideas I included in the novel unit I wrote for this awesome book. If you're planning to read this book with your kids, I hope you'll check out my 170 page unit on my TpT Store! Just 9 smackeroos for the rest of March!

So, earlier this week I played 2 Truths and a Lie as part of Flying into First Grade's "Let's get Acquainted" Linky party. Lots of people guessed my lie, so maybe I made it too easy!

1) I really did give up a full ride to West Point, as well as a few other colleges in order to become a teacher. 

2) I really am a double gold medalist in the Jr. Olympics. This ties directly into #1! My gold medals are in marksmanship, one team medal and one individual medal. My shooting ability is what almost determined my future. Luckily I received a number of academic scholarships to non-military colleges that allowed me to go that route, which is why I'm a teacher today and not a professional marksman! Whew! I really dodged a bullet there! :groan:  ;)

3) So that makes my lie that I've taught every elementary grade level. I have taught Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 1st/2nd multi-age, and 5th grade. I've never taught 3rd or 4th grade, though I would be interested in doing that one day!

Finally, I figured I'd share a "fun" event from today. We were in the middle of taking our spelling test when suddenly one of my kid's desks is soaking wet. Turns out there was a crack in the water pipes running through the ceiling above his desk. I love how my kids completely ignored the repairmen and just kept taking their test!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Creepy Crawlies and Giveaway reminder!

I thought I'd take today to introduce you all to the variety of pets in my classroom! I've had a lot of different class pets over the years, but never the traditional ones. Most of the pets I have now have been with me for anywhere from a year to 3 years. The kids (even the girls!) really love the pets and love helping to take care of them. Here they are:

First, we have Beatrix, the Golden Redrump Tarantula. This school year she's grown from a spiderling the size of a dime to the fine young lady she is today (about 2.5" long)! Female tarantulas can live up to 20 years! She might get to see me retire!

Next, there's Peter Parker, the Mexican Fireleg Tarantula. Two years ago he was the size of a dime too! Now he's a healthy 4.5" long! Unfortunately, males only make it around 5 years, so he's already middle-aged!

Here's the most shy member of our class. Augustus, the Emperor Scorpion, is about 5.5" long and loves to take a bath every day.

This is Lucian, our Black Orchid Betta. My kids love to educate people about the fact that he is indeed a betta and not a beta. Betta is the genus of this kind of fish! Not pictured is his tank mate, Linus the Zebra Nerite Snail.

This slick fellow is Weezer, the Crested Gecko. He's super lazy during the day, but he is crazy active at night! I had to prove it to the kids by taking a video of him one night when I went into school to do some work! 

This is just a little peek at the queen of the classroom, Nemesis the Corn Snake. She is very curious about the kids, and comes out to say hi anytime someone comes near her tank. She's about a foot and half long, and amazes the kids weekly with her ability to eat things bigger than her head.

The different pets in the room are fun to watch and take care of, but they actually do serve a purpose. In 5th grade in my district we study classification, animal adaptations, life cycles, etc. In the past I've also kept an "Animal Wonder Journal" near their habitats for kids to write questions or observations about the pets for us to research when we have time. 

Kids from all over the school often stop by to see them, and this helps build community. Some kids in the school with behavior challenges work to "earn" the privilege of visiting the pets. If noise levels ever get out of hand (like during the seemingly never ending indoor recess days of winter), it's not uncommon for one of my kiddos to pipe up with "Shhhh, everybody...we're going to scare Beatrix and Peter!"

Do any of you have class pets? What kind, and how do they contribute to your classroom?

If you haven't entered my giveaway for hitting 25 followers, then be sure to do so now! I'm giving away 250 Scholastic Book Points!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Workshop Wednesday - Reading Graphic Organizers

I'm linking up with the Workshop Wednesday Linky from Ideas by Jivey! The topic this time is graphic organizers for reading groups.

I teach reading in my classroom using a modified Daily 5/CAFE reading workshop structure. I see my kids in both small heterogenous strategy groups and independently at their individual reading conferences. When I taught the primary grades I would often group kids by reading level to make it easier to use the handy guided reading books that my school has. Now that I'm in 5th grade, and I give my kids the freedom to choose a "good fit book," I find it is better to group them by common strategies they need to develop. I use the CAFE strategies, but I have adapted them to fit both 5th grade and to address a couple of the PA standards that were missing. 

Teaching this way has definitely brought about the need to create graphic organizers to go along with some of the strategies that I teach the groups. I'm linking up with a few of my favorites.

I love teaching this lesson on Theme. I explain the concept of themes in literature to the kids, and provide them with a list of common themes. Next, I show them the book I'm currently reading and describe what I believe its themes to be and why. Then I ask them to choose two of the themes present in their good fit book to defend. On the sheet I ask the students to provide evidence from their text to show that the theme they've chosen is truly a theme found in the story. This really makes the kids think about the events in their book. I like how it challenges their comprehension and makes them think critically about their story.

I use this worksheet with magazines. I provide a stack of kid appropriate magazines and allow the kids to choose one they would like to read. I explain how different text and graphic features can impact our understanding of the text. The sheet helps the students find these features in their magazine and record some examples of how those features helped them understand the content of the magazine. I also include a mini-mini-lesson on the differences between fact, opinion and propaganda and have the kids record a couple examples of each that they find in the magazine.

I actually teach three different lessons on plot to my kids. These sheets really help guide the lesson. I start with the plot diagram and make a connection to its rollercoaster shape. We think about our current good fit books and fill in information about the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and denouement. I also include a review of protagonist and antagonist as part of the exposition piece.

The second sheet is a Plot Storyboard. I tie this in to visualizing while reading. I ask the kids to visualize an important event from each section of their story.

I use the Plot Summary page as a way to have kids think about their story when they've reached the end of it. It helps them to be able to break the story down in a brief summary. I've found that kids in 5th are great at retelling, but not so hot at giving summaries. I want my kids to really be able to determine what the main events were of a story.

Well, those are some of the graphic organizers I use to help guide my reading instruction and to quickly assess my students' understanding! Be sure to check out the others in the linky!

And don't forget to sign up for my most recent giveaway of 250 Scholastic Book points! I'm celebrating overcoming the 25 follower hump! Next goal is 50!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Techie Tuesday Link Up

I've been waiting for a good time to share a few cool websites I recently stumbled across! The Techie Tuesday Link Up from Technology Tailgate is perfect for that! I'll be back tomorrow with a Workshop Wednesday Linky for literacy!

These three sites all branch off of the same main site, which belongs to the University of South Florida

This is an awesome collection of public domain stories that have been converted to audio and pdf files. Includes favorites like Aesop's Fables, Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, Sherlock Holmes, Tom Sawyer, etc. Great way to implement a listening center into an upper grades classroom. 

This link leads to a great collection of black and white clipart for non-commerical use. It's kind of amazing how many images are on here. All free to use for educational purposes. 

This one is a link to a great collection of things to use for sprucing up powerpoint and keynote presentations. I imagine the frames, borders and buttons might have other uses as well. Again, all of the items are free for educational purposes. 

The last site is one that I'm super intrigued with, but haven't put to use in my classroom yet. I'd love any ideas or suggestions on how it might be used with students. It used to be called Wallwisher, but has changed its name relatively recently to

Padlet allows you to have a virtual shared "wall" that people can post things on, kind of graffiti style. You can post text, images, files, etc. It's pretty cool. Check out the wall I made just for this post. It took literally 2 minutes.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Snowy Day and a Giveaway! (just for starters!)

So, the phone DID ring at 5:30 this morning. Aargh! In November or even early December I would have rolled back over with a faint smile on my face as I drifted back to sleep...not so much today.

I'm not a huge "prep for the test" kind of dude, so I really haven't deviated from my normal teaching methods at all so far this year. I do, however, think that if we are going to force our kids to take the tests we should equip them with some skills for doing so. In addition to all the cool things I wanted to do this week(Animal and Plant Cells, starting Wonder), I was also planning to introduce the 12 Powerful Words to the kids.

Not to mention, this snow day means that I need to spend the next hour or so adjusting my carefully laid plans for the week...sigh.

I did manage to get a little something done for 4th Grade Frolics' March Monday Made It though!

My kids earn "read beads" when they finish reading a book. I require them to read a minimum of 25 novels in the school year. The books have to be from a variety of genres. I got the idea from The Book Whisperer. The kids are well on their way to meeting their goals, so we're looking ahead to Spring and proudly displaying our beads in the hallway, with a handy key at the bottom so people can see which genre matches which color.

Sometimes the world works in mysterious ways. I woke up this morning annoyed, opened up my computer and found a couple of nice surprises! One, my blog had reached 28 followers! Two, I was a winner in another blogger's giveaway!

So, in celebration of busting through the 25 follower benchmark, I present to you the "The Dodecahedron (x2 +4) Leads the Way" Giveaway! Sticking with the numbers meet words theme of The Phantom Tollbooth, I'm giving away 250 Scholastic Book Club points. If you don't use the book clubs in your classroom, you should! I've literally built three classroom libraries using them.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

I was so excited to be a runner-up winner in Upper Grades are Awesome's recent giveaway! 

I'm excited to try out her Fortune Cookie Question Cards for Non-fiction 

Now, off to reschedule my school week, watch a marathon of Scrubs on Netflix and wait for my wife (who still had to go to work today!) to get home!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

So much for Spring coming...!

So, this was the view from my kitchen yesterday morning when I got up to get my morning coffee. There's a storm set to deliver another 4-6 inches on Monday too! Aargh! I am SO ready for Spring. And quite frankly I can't really afford for my district to call a snow day for two reasons. 1) We only have 11 days to prepare for the state standardized reading and math tests, and 2) We're at the point now where another snow make-up day pushes us into having our last day of school on a Monday instead of a Friday. My district never calls early, so I guess I'll find out at 5:30 AM tomorrow morning!

I'm joining in on Flying into First Grade's Two Truths and a Lie Linky Party! Here you go:

1) I was a double gold medalist in the Junior Olympics.
2) I passed up a full ride at West Point to be a teacher.
3) I've taught every Elementary grade level.

Which one is the lie?! I'll update later this week and reveal it!

In other news:

Congrats to Sara H-F. on winning my very first giveaway ever! I'm pretty excited to be close to 25 followers already! 

I've recently become obsessed with making my own fonts. I'm prepping a set to put on my TpT store right now in fact!  Speaking of my store, I was so excited to finally break past the point where my sales were greater than my subscription costs! My store is now profitable! Now...if I could just stop buying things from other people on there I might actually be profitable!

Well, time to relax, read, watch some TV, do some pinteresting ( I know that's not a word) and check one last time that all is ready for this week of school!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Crazy Week and just getting crazier

Because the writing assessment had to be done this week a lot of other things got pushed aside. Somehow I did manage to get a lot done this week though! First of all, we managed to finish our reading of Toliver's Secret today. 

For those that haven't read it, Ellen is a young girl tasked with secretly delivering a message hidden in a loaf of bread to the Patriots in a nearby town. She is forced to cut her hair and dress as a boy in order to make the journey. The simple trip becomes more complicated than it was supposed to be, and Ellen is forced to overcome her fears and continue onward. It's a great tie-in for our American Revolution unit, and a great example of a strong female lead character.

As a way to get more exposure to historical fiction and cover some of our Social Studies curriculum during reading time I usually switch our read-aloud between a unit-related historical fiction and a high interest fiction. Now that we're done with Toliver, we can finally start Wonder! I've been chomping at the bit to start this book with this class. Next year it'll be the first book we read, because I think it will lend itself really well to building community. I'll be sure to update with some of the fun activities we do with the book. I'll be using my very own Wonder Novel Unit again! 

Now that we can stop worrying about formulaic writing practice, we are celebrating by beginning a 12 day Poetry mini-unit. We started today during our computer lab time by creating word clouds to use as the cover of the poetry anthology we will make. I have the students type words into the box on the website "stream of consciousness style" for about 5 minutes. They love the results.

During Math Workshop today my students had a lot of fun playing two of my math games at the independent stations. I am trying to let them practice a few of the skills we just haven't had time to really cover enough yet, but will likely be on the state standardized math test. It's just impossible to cover all of 5th grade by the time we take the test in early April!

The first is my "Variable Slap" game. They try to be the first to find the unknown value represented by the variable. They have to slap the card and say the answer to collect it. It was so fun to see them really get into the game.

I also had the kids play my "I have, who has...Fahrenheit Temperature" game. I have the kids play it in small groups by shuffling the cards, and dealing them out so that each player has 5 cards. (there are 25 cards in the game) They play until one player has used all of his/her cards. I've just added that game to my store today, just $2! 

It's hard to believe how much is coming up. My kiddos have their 5th grade Opera next Friday, we have Spring Parent Conferences the next week, then we have our big (and LONG, 5am to 9pm!) 5th grade trip to Philadelphia, and finally we have the dreaded Math and Reading state standardized tests the following week. Because of all the other things going on we only have 11 days of school before the state tests (and about 3 of those have big interruptions). It's crazy that we take them in April. There are still 2 more months of school to go after that! Sheesh, let me teach them before you test them!
Just one more day until my first giveaway ends! And the great news is that I'm almost to my first benchmark number of followers! As soon as I hit 25, I'll throw another giveaway! 

The college town I live in is basically unlivable this weekend (Woohoo St. Paddy's Day!), so I'll be holed up in my house with my wife watching tv, catching up on reading, and waiting on Spring to get here already! Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday Math Workshop Linky

I know, I know...two blog posts in one day! Sorry, but I just had to link up to this Math Workshop Games linky from Ideas by Jivey!

I love teaching math through the workshop model. In my school we split the kids into groups based on a lot of factors, one of which is learning style. I am lucky to teach the group who learn best through games, handson activities, and interactive math journals!

I've come up with several games this year that I have available on my TpT store for the low, low price of just $1.00. I hope you'll check them out! Each picture will take you to that product on my store.

This is the game board I use for my comparing decimals dice game. The kids love it, and the same game basics can be used for adding or subtracting decimals as well!
Comparing fractions can be even more challenging than decimals! 
My kids like playing this dice game that has them make fractions and then compare them.

I use these greater than, less than, equal to cards for just about every skill I teach. Comparing units of measure, time, fractions, money, etc. This game is very versatile and can even be done as a grab bag type of review activity. I often play the game for 10 questions and keep track of the number each kid gets correct by passing out a multi-link cube (or discreet tally marks on a chart). The number of cubes (or tallies) will equal their grade percentage. Easy way to take assess the kids quickly without having to take another test!

This game is just great practice for finding an unknown value in an addition or subtraction equation. Practice with variables and finding unknowns is something my 5th graders have needed lately!

This game is a fun way to practice the concept of Mean, Median, Mode and Range when given a set of numbers. The kids play four rounds, one round focuses on each of the skills. My kids had a blast playing this just the other day!

I hope you'll check out my products on my TpT store, and take the time to look at all the other great ideas on the linky!